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Alex Gomez

B.A. Chemistry, Lawrence University, 2019

Alex grew up around Chicago, leaving to Wisconsin for his undergraduate studies at Lawrence University. He started college intending to major in music, but declared studies in chemistry after taking an organic course. In 2016, Alex joined Dr. Stefan Debbert’s lab, and he spent the summer of 2017 working in Dr. Joseph Topczewski’s lab at the University of Minnesota. In 2018, he completed a ten-month internship with Dr. Nathan McClenaghan at the University of Bordeaux in France. He graduated from Lawrence in 2019, and moved to Urbana where he has been working in the White group since.


Fun Facts


  • Alex spent three months living with family in Koszalin, Poland every summer until he was 16

  • Classical guitar and jazz saxophone are among the instruments that Alex learned to play in childhood (and occasionally brings out to play nowadays)

  • Alex loves coffee so much that he traveled (pilgrimaged?) to Pijao, Colombia in 2019 to stay on a coffee farm and to bring back kilos of beans

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