The White Group News
June 2020

A message from MCW on diversity
January 2023

Congrats to Amination Nation led by Siraj Ali with Brenna Budaitis, Devon Fontaine, Andria Pace and Jacob Garwin whose paper was selected by C&ENews as one of the breakthroughs in Chemistry for 2022!
"Recipe for tertiary amines relied on a little salt": https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/cen-10044-cover4
December 2022

Awesome to have Dr. Siraj Ali @Sargetasm
back for the traditional MCWhite group glass breaking with co-authors Brenna Budaitis and Devon Fontaine.
December 2022

Congrats to Chiwon Hwang for passing his qualifying exams! Your nitrene cohorts are excited for all the great things you will do next. Thanks to Charlie Dixon for great senior student mentorship and Seth Klaine for being a great mentee!
November 2022

Great visit to Northwestern Chemistry
@NUChemistry hosted by Megan Kaster. Thanks to Megan and all the fantastic students for a great day!
November 2022

Welcome to new first year graduate student Shawn Schowe (Univ. Colorado Denver) and visiting student Akiko Fujii (Gifu Pharmaceutical University Japan).
November 2022

Congrats to Jake Weaver for passing his qualifying exams. The first of many great things to come. Thanks to Sven Kaster for great senior student mentorship!
September 2022

Throwback to a great visit at Cork University
@uccchemistry with great host Ger McGlacken
@mcglackengroup group!
November 2021

Congratulations to our newly minted PhD Siraj Ali. We are excited to see all the amazing work you will do in the Radosevich Group at MIT!
March 2020

Check out MCW's investiture speech. Nice overview of the group's work and mission.
February 2020

Congrats to MCW and the White Group for the endowed chair (Lycan Prof. of Chemistry)! Great day celebrating with good colleagues and friends! View the presentation here!
May 2019

Congrats to newly minted Dr. Jinpeng ("aka JZ") Zhao on a powerful doctoral defense! Corteva is gaining an amazing new scientist!
April 2019

Thanks to MilliporeSigma (Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) for sponsoring the ACS Award for Creative work! Thanks to Klaus Griesar for presenting MCW with the Award!
April 2019

Thanks to Emily Balskus, Gary Molander, Greg Fu and Eric Jacobsen for speaking at MCW's symposium and to Shauna Paradine for serving as MC!
February 2019

Check out Dr. Wei Liu at the 2019 CaRLa Winter school. A future star meeting a living legend Prof. Gunter Helmchen.
December 2018

Congrats to Jinpeng, Takeshi, and Emilio on a breakthrough paper in Nature Chemistry! Check out the "Behind the Paper" story in Nature Research Chemistry Community.
November 2018

Check out the JACS spotlight for our Perspective in JACS on Aliphatic C—H Oxidations!
October 2018

Congrats to the White Group on a great news article about our recent award and research!
September 2018

CVS ACS Symposium (Connecticut Valley Symposium Sponsored by Pfizer). A great day of C—H activation lectures and catching up with former Posner group lab mate Bryan Li, former undergraduate student Alex Brucks and collaborator Jeff Kohrt (Scientists at Pfizer). Thanks to Hattie and Martins for their fantastic organization of the event.
August 2018

Congrats to Prof. Jared Delcamp (White Group alum, PhD 2010) on a fantastic talk at UIUC!
August 2018

Congrats to Wei, Siraj, and Stephen on a breakthrough paper in the area of asymmetric allylic C—H alkylation.
June 2018

Check out our group paper party pics in Chicago to see the Cubs vs. the Phillies. Inspirational game where the Cubs come back to win in the 9th inning with a walk off grand slam (Thanks to JZ for capturing the pic of the winning hit)!
May 2018

Congrats to Joe, Kaibo and Anasheh on a remarkable paper in Nature Chemistry describing THE way to do benzylic amination! Check out the paper, Chemical and Engineering News Article, and the June Cover (thanks to Kaibo, resident graphic artist, on amazing art work)!
March 2018

Congrats to Dr. Joseph Clark for winning a poster prize at CaRLa (see pic with former group members Pilar and Vanessa) and for the UIUC Marvel Award!
February 2018

Congrats to Rulin on the first C—H to C—N cross-coupling reaction!!!
September 2017

Congratulations Dr. Ammann (aka Dr. Steve) ! We are excited to see all the great things you will accomplish at Gilead!.
September 2017

Congrats to team iron carbene (Jenny, Chloe, Jacob) for the first paper to report a catalytic iron-catalyzed C—H alkylation proceeding via an iron carbene.
August 2017

Congrats to Stephen Amman who will be starting his new job as a PhD level scientist at Gilead after graduating this Fall!!
April 2017

Fantastic Bristol Synthesis Meeting in UK!
April 2017

Check out pics from our group paper party in Chicago to see "The Columnist" at American House of Blues Theater. Philip Earl Johnson as Joe Alsop was incredible!
February 2017

Congrats to Kaibo for winning the Fuson Travel Award this cycle. He will be attending an Gordon Conference this summer
January 2017

Glass breaking party and lunch in celebration of Tommy, Stephen, and Wei's great papers from 2016!
December 2016

Thanks to Dan Yang and all at Hong Kong University for a great visit!
November 2016

Congrats to Kaibo for receiving the poster award at Allerton 2016!
October 2016

Stadiums with Paul and Shauna!
September 2016

Check out MCW's Mukaiyama Award Speech: "A Note to Young Scientists".
September 2016

MCW visits the University of Tokyo hosted by the Kanai Lab.
August 2016

Congrats to Tommy and Don on their recent paper in Nature on small molecule iron catalyzed amino acid and peptide oxidation!
August 2016

Congrats to Stephen and Wei on their recent paper in Angewandte Chemie on asymmetric allylic oxidations!
November 2015

5th Organic Chemistry Day at University Autonoma Madrid. Thanks to Javier Adrio and Tomas Torres for organizing and hosting such a great day of chemistry and wonderful late Spanish dinner!
September 2015

MCW honored to be the Boehinger Ingelheim Lecturer at MIT. With BI's Dr. Carl Busacca and great student host Laurel Heckman!
August 2015

Congrats Mark (White Group PhD 2009) on winning the New Investigator Award from the Kaufman Foundation! It's given across all basic sciences and Mark was one of seven recipients.
April 2015

Check out photos of MCW with the Shines at the Shine Lecture at Texas Tech.
March 2015

Check out photos of MCW at ACS in Denver at the HC Brown Award and Fresenius Award (Congrats Abby and Gary).
January 2023

Congratulations to Rachel Chambers our newly minted PhD. Excited to see all the great things you will do at Lilly @LillyPad
December 2022

Great Paper/Holiday Party in Chicago at Athina restaurant in Greek town followed by Bulls game @chicagobulls! Happy Holidays!
December 2022

Congrats to Zach Firestein for passing his qualifying exams! We are all excited to see what comes next. Thanks to Sven Kaster and Brenna Budaitis​ for great senior student mentorship!
November 2022

A terrific visit to Caltech for the BMS symposium with Rebecca Green @rebeccois from
#BMSChemistry. It was great to catch up with old friends @FuLabCaltech, @sarah_reisman, @brianstoltsz70 and meet an amazing group of students.
November 2022

Phenomenal job by all the Allerton student speakers and poster presenters and special shout out to MCW group's Devon Fontaine and Charlie Dixon @charliedixonIV
November 2022

ACS Western National Meeting celebrating great organometallic chemistry with @BuchwildGroup, @swkrska, @Vy_Dong_Group, @Wolfe_Group
, Marty Burke, and Mary Watson, Donald Watson. Thanks to Jeff Bandar for organizing!
October 2022

Congrats to pioneer @CarolynBertozzi who persisted and illuminated the power of organic reactions to explore biological systems when many did not think it possible. Congrats to Sharpless and Meldal for contributing impacting bioorthogonal click reactions to do this.
March 2022

Congrats to Raundi Quevedo our newly minted PhD. Excited to see all the great science you will do at @Novartis
April 2020

Congrats to Andria for receiving the NSF grad Fellowship. She will be attending Princeton for grad school this Fall.
March 2020

Check out an awesome story by Tracy Crane on Kaibo and Raundi's work
September 2019

Congrats to Rulin and his team for the write-up of their recent work in Synfacts!
April 2019

Check out video of MCW in honor of ACS Award for Creative work in Synthetic Organic Chemistry made by Merck KGaA, Darmstadt Germany
April 2019

Great dinner at banquet with great friends and colleagues
April 2019

Thanks to all that participated in MCW’s ACS Creativity Award. Thanks to Merck and Becky Ruck for sponsoring the speaker’s dinner.
January 2019

Congrats to Tommy Osberger (PhD 2016) on his new position as an Assistant Professor at Cal Poly Pomona starting in Fall 2019!
January 2019

Check out the Chemistry World article on our new chemoselective manganese catalyst for aliphatic methylene oxidations:
December 2018

White Group 2018
October 2018

Great visit to University of Oklahoma for Karcher Lecture. Thanks to all the students and my host Inder and Ken Nicholas for such a great visit!
October 2018

Congrats to MCW and the White group past and present on receiving the 2019 ACS Award for Creative Work in Organic Synthesis!
September 2018

22-ICOS (22nd IUPAC Conference on Organic Synthesis in Florence, Italy). Great science and beautiful location.
August 2018

Congrats to Wei Liu on a spectacular defense. We know you will do great things in the MacMillan group!
June 2018

Congrats to MCW and the White group on being recognized with the Mitsui Chemicals Catalysis Award
August 2018

Check out a recent interview with White Group Alum Prof. Takeshi Nanjo on life in the group
April 2018

Congratulating Takeshi Nanjo on his new Assistant Professorship in Kyoto University in the Takemoto group. We are excited to see your first independent publication!
April 2018

Congrats to Dr. Joseph Clark who will be starting his career as an Assistant Professor at Marquette in Fall of 2018! Excited to see your first paper!.
April 2018

Congrats to Shauna Paradine (PhD 2015), newly minted Assistant Prof. at Rochester in the Fall of 2018! We are excited to post your first independent paper!
October 2017

Congrats to Takeshi and Emilio on solving the amide challenge for remote C—H oxidations!
September 2017

Congratulations Dr. Griffin! We are excited to see all the great things you will accomplish at Celgene!
August 2017

Congrats to Jenny Griffin who who will be starting her new job as a PhD level scientist at Celgene after graduating this Fall!!
August 2017

Congrats to Emilio Junior who will be starting as his academic position as an Assistant Professor at the University of Campinas in Brazil in 2018!!
April 2017

Takeshi Nanjo's going away party. We miss you Takeshi!
April 2017

Congrats to Friederike Dannheim for her acceptance to University of Cambridge where she will be joining Tommy in David Spring's group!
February 2017

Congrats as well to Tommy for winning First Poster Prize at the 2017 CaRLa conference in Heidelberg Germany!
December 2016

Happy Holidays and Wishing you all a Healthy and Happy 2017!
December 2016

Fantastic conference at Oxford "Late Stage Functionalization"
December 2016

Thanks to Jainwei Sun and all at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology for a great visit!
October 2016

Congrats Stephen on receiving the Fuson Travel Award!
October 2016

ENJ visits during the Frontier Symposium.
September 2016

Congrats to Wei Liu on receiving the Eastman Travel Award! Wei will be presenting his work on asymmetric allylic C—H oxidations at the ACS meeting in Spring 2017.
August 2016

Congrats to our newly minted NIH postdoctoral fellow Dr. Joe Clark!
August 2016

Check out MCW's perspective on base metal catalysis in Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis.
December 2015

Congrats to Jenn, Kaibo, Joe, and Lou on their recent paper in JACS on remote C-H hydroxylations of nitrogen containing compounds.
October 2015

Congrats Team Mn (Shauna, Jenny, Jinpeng, Aaron, Shannon) on the recent paper in Nature Chemistry, News of the Week C&E News, UIUC News Press
September 2015

Great dinner at Oleana in Cambridge MA with great company Dr. Paul Gormisky and Dr. Shauna Paradine!
April 2015

Congrats to Will Wertjes on receiving the Fulbright!
March 2015

Congrats Stephen on being selected to attend the BASF Winter Conference in Heidelberg!